Parker Finite High Pressure Filters for compressed air

Parker Finite’s line of high pressure filters for air and compressed gases meet the needs of natural gas, CNG vehicle fueling stations, high pressure breathing air, and other high pressure applications.

When compressing gases up to 5,000 psi, excessive amounts of water, oil, and contaminants become more pronounced. Filtration can reduce the component maintenance and improve the performance of the machines that require high pressure gases.


  • Coalescing filters help reduce water and oil droplets
  • Housings in aluminum, stainless steel, and ductile iron
  • Pressures up to 6,000 psi and 15,000 scfm available
  • High pressure drain kits, gauges, and timed drain valves
  • Alternative fuel vehicles require clean, water free CNG
  • Other applications include: offshore applications, high pressure gas storage, specialty gases, shipboard air distribution systems

Link to Parker Finite High Pressure Compressed Air Filters Specification Sheet